NorthWind Fine Arts presents “In Harmony,” a two-person show featuring the work of members Damon Hartman and Mary Woodcock Johnson.
In Harmony
“To paint is not to copy the object slavishly, it is to grasp a harmony among many relationships.”
Paul Cezanne
Mary Woodcock Johnson: Painting
“My recent landscape paintings are expressions of color, form, light and composition as filtered through my mind’s eye. They are a search for harmony as I observe local environments whether farms, flowers, birds or trees. As Cezanne said, they are not slavish representations of what I see but reflections of my view of the harmonies I choose to see in nature.”
Damon Hartman: Woodturning
“For me, woodturning begins in the woods - finding and collecting Adirondack wood that has a unique character that I can work with to create a form or shape. Then I strive to bring it all together on the lathe to turn a vessel that honors each piece of wood. The wood is the art; I just turn it.”
Susan Whiteman- Oil Painting
"Our mission is to provide a venue for the display and sale of art work by Member artists
and to promote development of the arts in the region."
We are a cooperative gallery of artists living in the Adirondacks, and the works of all members are exhibited in the gallery continually,
in addition to showing the work of a Featured Artist each
"Our mission is to provide a venue for the display and sale of art work by Member artists
and to promote development of the arts in the region."
We are a cooperative gallery of artists living in the Adirondacks, and the works of all members are exhibited in the gallery continually,
in addition to showing the work of a Featured Artist each month.
NorthWind Fine Arts is open to accepting artists who are willing to devote their time and experiences to the successful workings of the gallery.
85 Main Street
Saranac Lake, New York 12983
518 354-5041
Please Call During Business Hours
If you have an urgent question during non-business hours, we’d be pleased to hear from you via our gallery email at [email protected].
January-April: Open Thursday-Sunday 10-4
May-June: Open Daily 10-4, (Closed Wednesdays)
July & August: Open 7 days a week 10-4
Sept-December: Open Daily 10-4, (Closed Wednesdays)